Legal documents

In executing the policy, the board of ONE aims to comply to the statutory objective: “het (doen) bouwen en (doen) realiseren van gebouwen en voorzieningen voor vluchtelingenkinderen en/of kinderen in nood, waar deze kinderen zich veilig kunnen voelen, kunnen helen, spelen, leren en zich kunnen ontwikkelen, en verder al het geen daarmee verband houdt.


The ONE foundation generates its income from fundraising & sponsoring and spends all its money for realising its objective. This includes: buying of building materials or other directly related project costs; payment of staff related to design & construct at location; travel and accommodation cost of staff executing the work at site; and administrative costs.

ANBI status

ONE is an ANBI certified foundation which means that donations are (partly) deductible from your taxes. Local laws apply. For more information on the Dutch tax payment system see the website of the Belastingdienst


Being certified as an ANBI foundation means being transparent about its objective, its policy plan, the financial compensation and composition of the board, the activities of the foundation and the financial reporting. All can be found on this page.