The Nest - Lesvos

The Nest space on Lesvos is located inside the community center of the NGO One Happy Family. This safe-space is managed by PiLA and serves young children from 0 to 6 years of age. 


Our project team designed and constructed a timber loft structure to expand the usable floor space effectively. Next to this a proper wood laminated floor was installed on the bare concrete floor. The ornamented staircase, specifically designed for the small legs of young children, leads to the upper floor. The the railing consists of rotatable blocks with blackboard paint for children to make the space their own. The painting and furniture of the room was executed and funded by PiLA.

Location | Lesvos, Greece
Date | June 2019, 2 weeks
Partner | The Pedagogical Institute of Los Angeles
Material costs | €3000
Project | Construction of timber loft, staircase, and flooring
Dimensions | (Loft) 10 x 3 m, space for about 8 children

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