Temple of the GOlden Trees - Cyprus

From the very start we have applied  therapeutic design ingredients that form the basis of the healing experience of the space.

Neuroaesthetics show us the importance of the whole sensory experience for the emotional well-being of children. Like a seed, the development of children is influenced to the extent that their environment is nurturing to them. In contrast to the perception of many adults, the direct sensory experience of children is key to establish a sense of exploration, restfulness, imagination and agency. This supports them in feeling engaged, safe, curious and confident to take their place in the world with dignity.

These design ingredients include abundant biophilic materials (such as pine and birch wood), access of natural daylight along shade through semi-transparent canvasses, organic shapes, harmonious proportions and pattern complexities.

The main nave is created for a more expanded perception for wide movements and group activities. It draws the views up, stimulating awe and imagination.

Play elements

The side aisles are meant to close the space and give refuge, while still allowing views to the natural landscape. We have installed many play elements such as a community swing, climbing nets, rope laders, and monkey bars for the children to be active, evoke their curiosity, and start their exploration of their surroundings and their body.  

At the back of the space we created a more introverted experience with plenty of hammocks to relax and be guided in gentle motions to inner peace. 

The garden

At the side of the Temple we created a large garden with grass (synthetic) for children to lay in and play football. Several plant beds are filled with a variety of species; aromatic herbs, large banana like trees, and grasses to create a jungle like feeling. 

Location | Kofinou, Cyprus
Date | March – October 2023
Partner | Ministry of Interior – Cyprus
Project | Outdoor shaded CFS; creation of timber structures and play elements
Dimensions | 9 x 10 x 5 m, space for about 30 children

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