Healing space - Serres

The new CFS is built out the natural material birch wood, which is light in its presence, while simultaneously enriching by its organic grain patterns. Following the philosophy of Biophilic design, we allow in more elements of nature through indirect daylight from the ceiling, a variety of plants and maintaining perspectives on the natural surroundings.

A sense of enclosure is key for the children to embody the space. Rather than focusing on the means of closed surfaces we chose to emphasize embracing shapes, smooth angles, round corners and a lower ceiling. Additionally we installed adjustable hammocks to offer a direct sensation to the body with an enveloping soft fabric.

Curiosity & Play

The space is completed by stimuli for curiosity and play. We engage the child’s senses with rich ornaments in the structure, the soft orange-yellow-green gradient being reflected from the ceiling panels, and an interesting variety of plants.

On a physical level we installed play elements such as monkey bars and different forms of swings. This allows the children to feel their strength and body again, open their chest and gain confidence. All of the play elements encourage social interaction with playmates such as sitting together on a swing or playing together in the monkey bars. 


The frames are built out of four layers of 18mm thick birch plywood, all glued together to form a structurally strong three-hinged portal frame. The two inner layers form the core of the frame, with connecting elements and trusses, keeping the outer layers together and giving it a rich ornamented appearances with refined details. The stability perpendicular to the frames is provided with a combinations of steel cables, the coloured ceiling panels, and the wooden monkey bars.

Locatie | Serres, Greece
Datum | October – December 2022, 11 weeks
Partner | NGO Lifting Hands International
Project | Outdoor shaded CFS; creation of timber structures, play elements, and installation of plants
Dimensies | 6 x 7 x 2.5 m, space for about 20 children

Vorige slide
Volgende slide